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If you want to feel connected in your desire for passion and purpose, while entertained with prose, Candor is for you.

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  • Exclusive content directly to your inbox.

  • Community; who doesn’t want to feel connected? Join us in our strive for passion and purpose; using a candid look at self love and personal development to discover and claim it! Can I get a fuck yeah?

  • It’s current; while my website has what I’d like to think is some bitchin’ content, the newsletter focuses on what’s happening now. It’s also short form.

  • It’s free.

  • In his Ted Talk, author Daniel Pink states that everyone has regrets except five-year-old’s, those with brain damage, and sociopaths. Assuming you’re none of these things, you’ll likely regret it if you don’t sign up.

What’s Candor all about?

Striving for personal growth, boldly navigating life transitions.

  • Shit getting real. When I started Candor I was a newlywed (more like a newly-eloped) mom-to-be sharing in-depth look at navigating a pregnancy with the urgency of existential dread while treading the murky waters of major depressive disorder and general anxiety. How delightful! Now, I’m a mother; overjoyed and overwhelmed by both exhaustion, love, and what is looking like an exacerbated existential crisis.

  • Growth; a self-improvement junkie curating what I’m discovering from all the topnotch consumables (think Ted Talks, self help books, podcasts, and the awkward dance of personal trial and error).

  • Levity; bringing humor to life’s shit sandwiches (my own shit sandwiches, and those of others who are willing to share).

To read the author’s long form content, visit her website here.

Subscribe to Candor

Cultivating a safe space for hard truths; motherhood, mental health, and personal and professional growth.


Charcuterie connoisseur. Notorious overthinker. Sunshine enthusiast, naturist, & former nomad. Mental health champion. Tequila glutton. Dogs. Humor. Recovering from people pleasing, perfectionism, & life without gluten.